Getting FREE media coverage for your business or non-profit

Getting FREE media coverage for your business or non-profit


Getting coverage in local or trade press may not have the kudos of being featured in national newspapers but it often delivers a better return on your time, effort and investment, especially if you’re on a tight marketing budget.

For small businesses and non profits, local newspapers and trade publications are a more realistic proposition for media coverage than the national broadcast or print media.  Readers want interesting news, features and articles that are engaging and in some way beneficial. So if you can help a journalist deliver this, then you are well on the way to getting valuable and FREE press coverage for your business.

In this interactive half day workshop you will learn:

  • The benefits for your business of a local news story
  • What kind of stories local journalists are looking for
  • How to find the best story for your business
  • How to pitch your story to the media (delivered by a local press journalist)
  • Anatomy of a great press release (we look at some excellent examples)
  • Your action plan going forward

This interactive, easy to follow and highly affordable taster course will guide you into getting the publicity your business richly deserves.

Cost:  FREE (Inc refreshments).
Date: 6 November 2019
Venue: Croydon Central Library, Katherine St, CR9 1ET
Places limited – 30 (First come basis)


About the Trainer (Tayo Idowu)
Tayo Idowu, founder of ELC Associates is a skilled PR trainer, writer, business mentor, digital sales/PR expert. He has delivered training for Lambeth College, Southwark College, Southwark Co-operative Development, Croydon BME, BE Group, Hackney Business Development, Business Growth Accelerator Programme and Westminster and Kingway College to name but a few.

Currently his time is split between running digital PR and marketing courses and managing ELC Associates’s growing list of PR clients.

Over the past decade he has helped hundreds of charities and SMEs improve their PR and content marketing skills. This included PR or Marketing Workshops or One-to-One PR coaching sessions that helped businesses deliver effective PR campaigns. Check out our PR case studies:

Croydon Central Library is Croydon’s main public library located inside the Croydon Clocktower in Croydon, south London. It is owned by the London Borough of Croydon on behalf of Croydon Council. The library is located on four floors inside the Clocktower.

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Getting coverage in local or trade press may not have the kudos of being featured in national newspapers but it often delivers a better return on your time, effort and investment, especially if you’re on a tight marketing budget.

For small businesses and non profits, local newspapers and trade publications are a more realistic proposition for media coverage than the national broadcast or print media.  Readers want interesting news, features and articles that are engaging and in some way beneficial. So if you can help a journalist deliver this, then you are well on the way to getting valuable and FREE press coverage for your business.

In this interactive half day workshop you will learn:

  • The benefits for your business of a local news story
  • What kind of stories local journalists are looking for
  • How to find the best story for your business
  • How to pitch your story to the media (delivered by a local press journalist)
  • Anatomy of a great press release (we look at some excellent examples)


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Luke Beck, Theme Fusion
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