Fundraising with Facebook Ads

Fundraising with Facebook Ads


Facebook Ads are a fantastic way to generate donations and awareness for charities, community group0s and community interest companies (CICs). These organisations are increasingly turning to Facebook advertising as opposed to Google Adwords to fulfil their fundraising, community engagement, volunteering,  sales or online presence objectives for a variety of reasons. Partly it’s because Facebook Ads are 80% cheaper than Google Adwords and partly because charities are able to target with great accuracy those people who are likely to support or donate to their cause.

With a wide range of creative placements to choose from and excellent targeting options, it’s no wonder that these organisations are increasingly looking at Facebook Ads to help deliver return-on-investment (ROI) on fundraising, communications and organisational growth objectives.

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By the end of this one-day course delegates will have the skills to setup a Facebook Ads campaign that matches their charity’s fundraising and volunteering objectives. This includes being able to:

  • Choose appropriate audiences to target that will lead to more support and increased donations
  • Design suitable ads with relevant messaging that will grab the attention of prospective supporters and donors
  • Understand and implement split testing methods to optimise their campaign Ad spend and reduce their cost-per click (CPC).
  • Set up analytics to track their campaigns and ensure their return on investment is on track
  • Have a firm understanding of landing pages and their benefits as a compliment to Facebook Ads.
  • Have the skills to brief an agency/consultant on all aspects of your Facebook ads campaign.

Why Attend

ELC’s Facebook Advertising course takes a hands-on, practical approach, leading you through the stages in developing and implementing a Facebook ad campaign. The course also explains the strategic decisions you will need to take in order harness the full capability of the world’s largest social network.

Who should attend

Marketers, social media professionals, digital strategists or business owners, volunteers or any staff charged with marketing or advertising.

Day / Duration / Time 

16th August / One Day / 9.30am – 4pm

Course Level



£149.00* ( Discounted for first 15 delegates. Use promo code LAU79)

Training Venue

CVA Resource Centre, 82 London Road, Croydon, CR0 2TB

Course Trainer

D. Asamoah is a digital, content and strategic marketing consultant and trainer with nearly years of experience in Facebook Marketing managment. He has delivered successful Facebook Marketing and Ad Campaigns for some of the country’s leading companies including BSkyB and Now TV, with a particular focus on Ad campaign management. He also has an indepth knowledge of all things social media and has provided consultation to charities and businesses on platforms such as Twitter, Google +, Snapchat, Instragram, Pinterest, Linkedin, Youtube etc. His delivery style is interactive, engaging, fun yet very informative.


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