Generating Sales through Content Marketing

Generating Sales through Content Marketing


Content marketing and sales are two of the most important strategies for success—but too many businesses think of them as inherently distinct activiteis. Content marketing is all about publishing content to attract more traffic, while sales is about landing more deals. For your business to GENERATE GREATER SALES AND PROFITS you must COMBINE these two functions. This training course explains how to achieve this successfully.

NOTE: Price includes a free 1-1 consultation where we will create a BESPOKE Content Marketing Action Plan, that you can use straight away to begin generating awareness, leads, sales and loyal customers. The plan will include how your business will use Content Marketing for 1) Attraction  2) Promotion  3) Sales of your products or services.

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Businesses today face the arduous task turning their online prospects into paying customers. The old, traditional techniques of direct marketing, telesales, mailshots etc have little impact on today’s savvy buyers. Your sales department needs a new approach.

What is the solution? The answer is content marketing. Content marketing and sales are two of the most important strategies for success—but many businesses think of them as inherently distinct activities. Content marketing is all about publishing content to attract more traffic, while sales is about landing more deals.
However if you want to see increased sales your must interweave these two activities together. This means your content should lead to have some kind of ‘pre-sales lead-in’ or ‘call to action’.

Workshop outcomes include will:

  • The differences between inbound and out bound marketing and which is better for your business
  • How to qualify the prospect: B – Budget A – Authority N – Need T – Timeline
  • Top of the funnel (lead generation techniques) – eg Blogs, SEO, PPC, Magnets etc
  • Middle of the funnel (Lead Nurturing and Consideration) eg: Landing pages, Offers etc
  • Bottom of the funnel (Intent and Purchase) – eg Demos, Special Offers, Email Newsletters etc
  • Customer Retention – eg: Drip email marketing, Loyalty Programs, Premiums and Gifts, Surveys, Reviews etc
  • Action plan and next steps


Ongoing (call Training Manager)

Who should attend

Marketers, social media professionals, digital strategists or business owners, volunteers or any staff charged with marketing or advertising.

Duration / Time 

Half Day / 9.00am until 1pm

Course Level



£97 ( Discounted for large inhouse training groups)

Training Venue

At our South London training venues and other venues around London.

After course completion you will receive a comprehensive course manual. Email support, one months telephone support and a Certificate of Attendance

Course Trainer

D. Asamoah is a digital, content and strategic marketing consultant and trainer with nearly years of experience in Content  Marketing. He has delivered successful Content Marketing campaigns for some of the country’s leading companies including BSkyB and Now TV, with a particular focus on  campaign management. He also has an in-depth knowledge of all things social media and has provided consultation to charities and businesses on platforms such as Twitter, Google +, Snapchat, Instragram, Pinterest, Linkedin, Youtube etc. His delivery style is interactive, engaging, fun yet very informative.

Want more information before booking?

To find out more about the course complete the ONLINE FORM or call the Course Manager on: 0794 9529 231 /0208 090 2233


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