Digital PR Workshop For Charities – (Intro)

Digital PR Workshop For Charities – (Intro)


Want to attract more supporters, volunteers or potential donors to your cause but don’t have the budget to employ an agency or full time PR person? Then this course is for you.

Charities are finding it hard to make their voices heard and get the attention of the press and influencers above the ‘digital noise’ of the internet. Give your charity a competitive edge by learning the tactics from expert PR practitioners that will enable you successfully attract the attention of journalists and produce attention grabbing press releases and marketing materials.

You will learn step by step how to use the latest charity comms training strategies to make effective use of “free” or “earned” media. That means no more paying for expensive ads to attract attention for your charity.

Many charities struggle to achieve effective marketing, simply because they don’t know what to do. You’ll also learn the types of stories journalists are looking for, how to craft a winning press release that gets read and how to find bloggers and influencers for your cause.

This interactive and highly affordable taster course will guide your non profit into getting your the publicity for your charity and your cause that it richly deserves.

Cost: £29  (includes course notes and refreshments).

Dates: 8th Nov 2019 (9.30am-12pm)

Venue: East London Training Rooms. (To be confirmed, dependent on numbers).

Places limited.

To find out more about this course complete the online form or call the Training Manager on 0208 090 2233 / 0794 9529 231

Course Outcome:

You will understand how the PESO PR model and how to integrate it into your charities content marketing strategies

You will learn how to plan and implement your a PR and content marketing campaign using the PESO model

You will learn the basics of a charity electronic press kit

You will learn what is newsworthy and how to attract attention of the media online and offline

You will learn PR tactics to increase awareness, donations, support and  volunteer recruitment.

You will learn to create press releases that get the attention of the media

You’ll receive one month free post course email and telephone support


For further information about out Charity PR Strategy (Advanced Training) Course visit:


About ELC Associates

ELC Associates is an integrated marketing agency specialising in PR, digital marketing. Our trainers have a wealth of experience in PR, digital and offline marketing.

In addition to delivering cutting edge PR campaigns for charities and SME’s, they have helped around 140 charities and SMEs improve their PR and digital marketing skills.  This includes delivering introductory and advanced PR and marketing workshop as well as one-2-one advice/guidance coaching on developing effective PR campaigns and social media strategies.

ELC Associates was also involved in the Government’s Growth Accelerator programme where they acted as a PR and marketing consultants to a wide range of SME’s. They currently work with a range of charities where they help them develop newsworthy press releases, PR campaigns and digital sales strategies aimed at increasing donations and supporters. See link to portfolio and case studies

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Digital PR Workshop For Charities (Intro)

Want to attract and retain more supporters and donors using PR and content marketing? Our charity comms training in PR and Content Marketing will teach you how to create content that gets real results.


Course Description

At the end of this half day intro course delegates will be able to plan and implement their own content marketing strategy based on the PESO model. They will also learn how create an electronic press kit that gets the attention of the media. At the end of the workshop delegates will be able to use the PR/Content Marketing strategies to drive engagement, support and awareness for their cause using the latest social media platforms.


Course Programme
Delegates will be able to assess their current charity comms training, online PR and content marketing strategies to see where potential strengths and weaknesses lie. The interactive workshop consists of a mix of trainer led discussions, video tutorials and practical scenarios.

Delegates will be provided with the latest content marketing tips and hacks that they will be able to put immediately into action with their organisations.


Who should attend?

This course is suitable for those responsible for marketing, public relations, fundraising and e-commerce professionals of non-profits and voluntary organisations looking to further their knowledge of online PR and content marketing. It is also suitable for volunteers and trustees of these organisations.


How will I benefit?

You will understand how the PESO PR model and how to integrate it into your charities content marketing strategies

You will learn how to plan and implement your a PR and content marketing campaign using the PESO model

You will learn the basics of a charity electronic press kit

You will learn what is newsworthy and how to attract attention of the media online and offline

You will learn PR tactics to increase awareness, donations, support and  volunteer recruitment.

You will learn to create press releases that get the attention of the media


Additional Information:

Cost: £29  (includes course notes and refreshments).

Dates: 8th Nov 2019 (9.30am-12pm)

Venue: East London Training Rooms. (To be confirmed, dependent on numbers).

Places limited.

To find out more about this course complete the online form or call the Training Manager on 0208 090 2233 / 0794 9529 231



For further information about out Charity PR Strategy (Advanced Training) Course visit:


About ELC Asssociates:

As a leading PR, marketing and print agency with many years of working with voluntary sector organisations we know how to successfully implemented content and outreach strategies. Our team of marketing experts and trainers know what works and we want to share their years of industry expertise with you. See our PR and marketing case studies and portfolio


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Luke Beck, Theme Fusion
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