Training is one of our passions. This means we invest a lot of effort in creating intuitive and interactive training courses, choosing industry expert tutors, testing and analysing which teaching methods and resources work best so that we can deliver the best learning experience to you every time. See some of our current workshops below.
Want to attract and retain more supporters and donors using PR and content marketing? Our charity comms training in PR and Content Marketing t will teach you how to create content that gets real results.
Course Description
At the end of this half day intro course delegates will be able to plan and implement their own content marketing strategy based on the PESO model. They will also learn how create an electronic press kit that gets the attention of the media. At the end of the workshop delegates will be able to use the PR/Content Marketing strategies to drive engagement, support and awareness for their cause using the latest social media platforms.
Click here for full details.
For small businesses and non profits, local newspapers and trade publications are a more realistic proposition for media coverage than the national broadcast or print media. Readers want interesting news, features and articles that are engaging and in some way beneficial. So if you can help a journalist deliver this, then you are well on the way to getting valuable and FREE press coverage for your business.
Also depending on the size of your media outlet, local news can reach thousands or millions of people. You never know who’s watching that might find value in your business offering. As well, if the story is shared a lot on social media or if it goes “viral,” it has the potential of getting picked up by a national outlet. Click here for full details.
Content marketing and sales are two of the most important strategies for success—but many businesses think of them as inherently distinct activities. Content marketing is all about publishing content to attract more traffic, while sales is about landing more deals.
However if you want to see increased sales your must interweave these two activities together. This means your content should lead to have some kind of ‘pre-sales lead-in’ or ‘call to action’. Click here for full course details.
Lead generation (top of the funnel) is the beginning of the process that hopefully leads to a prospect converting into a customer (bottom of the funnel). However, before any business can have a successful marketing strategy it MUST define its ‘buyers persona.
What you will learn
The workshop takes delegates through the stages of building a buyer persona, the three groups of people you should be targeting, how to attract prospects to YOU, the 5 ways to boost lead generation based on the concept of the ‘sales funnel’ and finally an introduction to selling online (sales in a digital world).
Click here for full course details.
Like most businesses lead generation and sales will always be top of mind. A well-crafted PR campaign and placement of your product or services in the appropriate media can lead to an initial influx of leads. This is usually followed by a steady trickle of prospects as businesses come across your PR efforts via social media and SEO, making PR a very cost effective lead generation tool.
During the FREE ONE HOUR CONSULTATION, we’ll start of by listen to your marketing challenges, after which we’ll demystify what’s involved in getting attention grabbing PR. We’ll then look at the various ways you can get media attention based upon your resources and finally well give a breakdown of the costs if you choose to use us, or give you some guidance of how to achieve your PR goals if you wish to do it yourself.
Sounds interesting? Then simply fill in the form below and one of the team will get back to you to arrange your FREE ONE HOUR PR CONSULTATION. You won’t be disappointed.