Charity PR Strategy and Content Marketing (Advanced Training)

Charity PR Strategy and Content Marketing (Advanced Training)


To win the war of public opinion, attract new supporters, volunteers and to educate potential donors, nonprofits are learning that they need to use the latest charity PR strategy and content marketing techniques to make effective use of  “free”, “owned” or “earned” media.

This interactive and highly affordable full day course will enable your non profit  to create marketing strategies, implement and execute multi-channel content marketing campaigns that will drive cause awareness, supporter engagement, volunteer recruitment and increase donations.

Cost: £195 ( Course notes and refreshments).

Date: On-going (call for latest training date),

Venue: South London Training Centre, SE23


Course Outcomes:

• What is the PESO model and how it relates to content marketing
• Learn how to deliver effective content that engages with your audience
• Learn to create an electronic press kit that gets media attention
• Learn how to increase awareness, support and donations with content marketing and PR
• Learn how to measure effectiveness of your marketing activities


Contact Details:

To find out more about this course complete the online form or call the Training Manager on 0208 090 2233 / 0794 9529 231

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Charity PR Strategy and Content Marketing (Advanced Training)

Want to attract and convert more visitors into supporters and donors using PR and content marketing? Our Charity PR Strategy and Content Marketing (Advanced Training ) will teach you how to create create compelling messaging, value propositions and content that gets results fast.


What will you learn?

At the end of this workshop you will be able develop your own charity PR strategy to organise your charity’s campaigns and activities that includes all aspects of PR and content marketing. The course will delve deeper into how PESO and content marketing can be used at all levels of your supporter’s journey from awareness to conversion to donor or volunteer etc.

Who should attend?

This course is suitable for those responsible for marketing, public relations, fundraising and e-commerce professionals of non-profits and voluntary organisations looking to further their knowledge of online PR and content marketing. It is also suitable for volunteers and trustees of these organisations.


Course content include:

Creating A Charity PR Strategy On A Budget

You will learn how to create marketing budge that provides clear sense of direction of your marketing activities for you charities’s management. You’ll also learn how to allocates those scarce resources more effectively. Budgeting  will also provides a basis for assessing actual results. How much you spent vs. how much you gained from a particular marketing source.

Creating An Online News Room That Gets Media Attention

For a successful, effective online newsroom, there are several key elements that must be followed. These include creating and publishing content on a regular basis as well as ensuring that the content is relevant, shareable and contains some multimedia elements such as photos or videos.

Using PESO And Content Marketing To Turn Visitors Into Supporter And Donors

You will learn how to use content marketing to increase awareness, support, and donations. As well as to produce engaging content and multimedia that engages and deepens the relationships with your audience. Additionally you’ll learn how to organise and influence range of stakeholders to drive successful and smooth campaigns and projects.

Measuring The Success Of Your Marketing Efforts

Finally we will look at what outcomes will serve as indicators that you’re using social media effectively. This includes measuring number of new and repeat donors, overall increase in support, number of new volunteers etc.


Additional Information:

Cost: £195  (includes course notes and refreshments).

Dates: On-going (Call for next  training date.)

Venue: South London Training Centre, SE23

To find out more about this course complete the online form or call the Training Manager on 0208 090 2233 / 0794 9529 231


About ELC Asssociates:

As a leading PR, marketing and print agency with many years of working with voluntary sector organisations we know how to successfully implemented content and outreach strategies. Our team of marketing experts and trainers know what works and we want to share their years of industry expertise with you.


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